Symbiotic Relation is a 2D platformer game where the player controls a symbiote to use the abilities of NPC characters and defeat enemies, all while trying to escape captivity.
If you're interested in trying it out, you can access the game through the link provided below:
or check out the Behance project at:
Let me take you through the process.
Design and Development - Sunhik
The objective of this game is to survive and reach the end of each level. You play as a symbiote, which can only move right and left. To be efficient, the symbiote needs a host, and any NPC in the game can be the host. By taking control of NPCs, you can navigate and help the symbiote reach the end of each level safely. Different NPCs have unique abilities that can be useful against the enemies that are trying to catch you.
Basic core loop and mechanics in-game
Controlling your character in the game is quite simple. As a symbiote, all you have to do is approach the NPC you want to control and collide with them. Once you collide with them, you will start controlling the character. Navigation is carried out using the A and D keys, while the spacebar is used to jump. To release control of an NPC, simply press the E key. The special ability can be used by pressing the right mouse button (RMB).
In contrast to other games that require players to follow a predetermined path to accomplish objectives, this game offers players the freedom to complete objectives in a way that suits their playstyle. If you prefer an aggressive approach, you can eliminate any target in your way. Conversely, if you prefer a stealth approach, you can do so without any hindrance. With this in mind, the game's various systems are designed to accommodate different playstyles.

The game features four types of NPCs that players can control: Normal, Shooting, Dashing, and Stealth. Each type has a special ability that is reflected in its name.
Normal NPCs allow the symbiote to navigate while Shooting NPCs enable it to use a gun and attack others. Dashing NPCs grant the symbiote increased speed and agility, and Stealth NPCs allow it to become invisible. They are also colored accordingly for better recognition. Normal NPCs are white, Shooting NPCs are red, Dashing are yellow, while Stealthy NPCs are pink.
To ensure the balance between the different types of NPCs, various stats such as movement speed, damage dealt, and ability distance are calculated and distributed accordingly. For example, Shooting NPCs can shoot from a long distance, but each bullet does only 20 damage and they have a limited supply. In contrast, Stealth NPCs can do infinite damage while invisible, but have a low damage rate and limited range.

Shooting NPC mechanics

Stealth NPC mechanics

Dashing NPC mechanics
In the game, enemies can have four different states. The first one is the normal state, where they stand and look at a particular direction. The second one is the patrol state, where they navigate around in a given waypoint. The third state is the chase state, where they start chasing the player once they spot their presence. Lastly, there is the attack state, where they start shooting the player. To make the game more challenging, parameters such as movement speed, shooting speed, and vision range can be adjusted to give enemies different difficulties.

Enemy System: chasing and shooting
The NPC system allows non-playable characters to have four different states. They can stand and stare or move around a given waypoint. Similar to the enemy system, NPCs have a chase state and an attack state. However, they also have an alert state, where they become aware and cautious when they see the symbiote or a possessed character. Additionally, they have a chaos state, where they run away in panic.
All these states occur when the NPCs are controlled by AI. However, when the symbiote controls them, they can no longer change states.

Normal NPCs

Possessed NPCs

AI Controlled NPC: Patrol State

AI Controlled NPC: Alert and Chaos State
The game features an upgrade system that operates similarly to those seen in other games. Whenever players eliminate NPCs, they earn upgrade points which can be used to either decrease the rate of health depletion or increase the base speed. However, players must carefully consider who they choose to eliminate as they may require the assistance of a particular NPC to progress through a section of the level. Additionally, since the shooting NPCs only have a limited number of bullets, players must be strategic in choosing which ones to eliminate.

Upgrade UI, on top right corner

In the beginning, the player will become familiar with the navigation system and the double jump feature.

In this part, the Shooting NPC and shooting mechanics will be introduced to the player.

During this section, Dashing NPCs will be introduced to the player, and platforms will be placed at a distance that can only be cleared using the Dash ability.

In this section, sneaky NPCs will be introduced, and players will be able to test out their abilities.

In the final section, the player can select any of the characters to complete it. The enemies in this section are more powerful compared to the previous ones, so it's vital for players to choose their characters carefully.